In the early afternoon of April 5, 2022, the wastewater treatment plant of an industrial park in Malvar, Batangas suffered a power interruption caused by the failure of their 34.5kV power cables connected to their utility service.
Our Call to Action
Upon this discovery, we were alerted of this occurrence, and by mid-afternoon of the same day, our service team was deployed to the site to perform a site inspection. After our inspection, our team identified the problem and moved to prepare and provide our emergency response as soon as possible.
And as early as before 9 am the next day, we submitted our proposal and recommendations to our client. This included the replacement of the power cables, terminating kits, and elbow connectors of the transformer; together with our services in testing the transformer and power cables prior to energization.
Because of the voltage rating (34.5 kV), testing the equipment is essential to ensuring the success of the operation and energization of the equipment, as well as the safety of the surrounding equipment and personnel.
This quick response was able to give our client enough time to release a notice to proceed, and our company to marshall the resources of manpower, equipment, and materials to proceed with the actual service the next day.
Service Actions Performed:
1. Our team started with the integrity testing of the 1000KVA Outdoor Transformer to assess its condition and health and to guarantee that it will function correctly and safely.
Integrity Testing of the 1000KVA Outdoor Transformer
2. After the testing of the transformers and procurement of the needed materials, our team proceeded with the replacement of the XLPE wires, installation of new terminating kits, and replacement of the elbow connectors of the transformer.
Dismantling and cable pulling of existing cable
3. Before energization, the team conducted Insulation resistance and high pot testing to guarantee the safety of the system before going live. Since all the tests conducted displayed satisfactory results, the system was energized safely.
Testing and Energization
Potential Environmental Damage, Averted
Within 3 days, our team was able to swiftly and safely service our client’s wastewater treatment plant. The importance of this service lies in helping our client reduce the environmental impact of water usage on our bodies of water.
Wastewater Treatment Process (1)
To ensure that effluent water is safe to be discharged into the creek, our client’s Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) must be able to facilitate its three stages of water treatment. And in light of the power interruption that occurred in our client’s facility, our quick response prevented the unfavorable situation of untreated water polluting our environment.
(1) Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. 2021. "U.S. Wastewater Treatment Factsheet." Pub. No. CSS04-14.
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wow that is Really Good work!